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Children’s Health Champion California Safe Schools Celebrates 25th Anniversary and Honors Earth Day Heroes

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /ScoopCloud/ -- Founded by Robina Suwol in 1998, California Safe Schools (CSS) is a children's environmental health and environmental justice non-profit. CSS achieved national and international prominence by spearheading the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Policy, and for the past 25 years been a leader in protecting children's health and the environment.

California Safe Schools Celebrates 2022 Earth Day Honorees and 24th Anniversary

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /ScoopCloud/ -- California Safe Schools (CSS) celebrates 7 honorees for their extraordinary achievements empowering youth and protecting the Earth. "CSS wants to honor our phenomenal 2022 Earth Day Champions. We thank each of them for their enormous and selfless contributions. They all make our world a better place," Robina Suwol, California Safe Schools, executive director, said.

California Safe Schools Honors 2021 Earth Day Champions

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /ScoopCloud/ -- March 30, 2021 marked the 23rd anniversary of California Safe Schools (CSS), a celebrated children's environmental health and justice coalition, founded by Robina Suwol in 1998 after grade school students, including Robina's two sons, were sprayed with the herbicide Princep, as they headed to class.