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Foundation for a Drug-Free World


Posts by Foundation for a Drug-Free World

Promoting the Value of Drug-Free Living at the UEFA Championship Games

BERLIN, Germany /ScoopCloud/ -- For an entire month, from June 14 to July 14, Drug-Free World volunteers from Scientology Churches and Missions throughout Germany and their partners reached out to fans at the UEFA European Championship games. They promoted the importance of drug-free living and shared their drug education and prevention campaign.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World Drug Prevention Nonprofit Earns Consultative Status to the UN

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /ScoopCloud/ -- Drug-Free World has achieved a significant milestone. "We are thrilled to announce that the Foundation for a Drug-Free World has been granted Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council," posted the Foundation's executive director Jessica Hochman on X (formerly Twitter) on July 4.

Drug-Free Czech ‘Cyclo-Run’ Celebrates 20 Years of Racing Throughout the Country to Reach Youth With the Truth About Drugs

PRAGUE, Czech Republic /ScoopCloud/ -- "Drug manufacturers, drug pushers and drug distributors are becoming more sophisticated," says Lukáš Bechyně, executive director of the Say No to Drugs-Say Yes to Life Association, an affiliate of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. He and his team of drug prevention activists have just finished their 12-day Drug-Free Czech Cyclo-Run, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

Start Your Engines and Join the Race: Help Create a Drug-Free World

BERGAMO, Italy /ScoopCloud/ -- Bikers throughout Northern Italy are getting their bikes ready for the race for a Drug-Free Italy. Held to promote the UN International Day Against Drug Abuse, the 7th annual national Say No to Drugs Motogiro Nazionale (motorbike tour) is organized by Dico No Alla Droga (Say No to Drugs) Italy-the national chapter of Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

Athlete Uses His Own Life as an Example to Help Kids Decide to Live Drug-Free

PRAGUE, Czech Republic /ScoopCloud/ -- Lukáš Bechyně is no stranger to challenging situations. At 19, he qualified to compete as a pole vaulter in the International Amateur Athletic Federation World Championships. But after an injury sidelined him, he began to experiment with drugs, and that nearly defeated him. Now, as executive director of the Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Life Association of the Czech Republic, an affiliate of Foundation for a Drug-Free World, he is engaged in another kind of competition - reaching Czech youth with the truth about drugs before they begin to experiment with harmful substances.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World Reaches Out at the 79th Annual National PAL Training Conference to Empower Youth With Effective Drug Education

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /ScoopCloud/ -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports drug overdoses are killing young Americans in unprecedented numbers. To help turn the tide on this epidemic, Foundation for a Drug-Free World reached out to those attending the annual National Police Athletic and Activities League (PAL) Training Conference at the Wyndham San Diego Bayside Hotel May 7 - May 10.

Former Addict Dedicates Himself to Paying Help Forward With Foundation for a Drug-Free World

VALENCIA, Spain /ScoopCloud/ -- No stranger to drug abuse and its toll, Alfredo Riaño, who heads the chapter of Foundation for a Drug-Free World in Valencia, Spain, shares his own story to help kids avoid the ordeal of addiction that he eventually escaped from. And he trains educators, law enforcement and other community partners who share his passion to reach youth with the truth about drugs before they fall prey to the dwindling spiral of drug abuse and addiction.

Compton Kids Learn the Truth About Drugs Thanks to the Compton Unified School District and its Partnership With Foundation for a Drug-Free World

COMPTON, Calif. /ScoopCloud/ -- On average, 22 adolescents ages 14 to 18 died of overdose in the U.S. every week in 2022. Each was a tragedy. Reaching youth with effective drug prevention can save young lives. Looking for a program that would get through to kids on this vital subject, Compton Unified School District (CUSD) decided to partner with the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. They began using its Truth About Drugs curriculum last summer. And the results proved they were right.

Can We Reverse Record Overdose Deaths? Foundation for a Drug-Free World Says ‘Yes’ and the Key Is Prevention

ATLANTA, Ga. /ScoopCloud/ -- This year's Rx and Illicit Drug Summit highlighted a grim fact of life: "Overdoses and deaths involving synthetic opioids have reached record rates, and every community across our nation is feeling the impact." According to the CDC, more than half of opioid overdose deaths in 10 states studied tested positive for fentanyl. It's time to slam the pedal down on prevention, says Foundation for a Drug-Free World.

Brazilian Gangsta Rapper, Once an Addict and Drug Dealer, Now Uses His Music and Passion to Reach Kids With the Truth About Drugs

CUIABA, Brazil /ScoopCloud/ -- Growing up surrounded by gangs, crime, and violence that plagued his neighborhood in Cuiabá, Brazil, in the '80s and '90s, Diogenes Luiz de Oliveira tried to escape from that life by using and trafficking drugs. Now, he uses his own story and the drug education materials of Foundation for a Drug-Free World to help keep kids out of the trap that consumed and nearly destroyed his life.